fredag den 15. april 2016

'7 Mummies'

What.. What happened? Mummies in America? Ok, well let's look at the plot, some criminals are trapped in the dessert and they escape by killing the guarders except the woman of course, for some reason the woman always survives. It is a priviligde to be a woman ;) For many reason I found this film rather strange; how can the dead feel pain? How come some of them can survive sunlight while others can't? I don't understand that much... Okay, and are the mummies really mummies or just ghosts or maybe zombies? I'm not that sure. I don't have a man's mind but I can imagine that a dead hooker might not be the biggest fantasy unless you like dead people of course... Ew..
To move on to the next level let's look at this cowboy life, it seems very interesting but what can you say to it unlike that you find it kinda interesting just like many other ways of livinig like Vikings and so on. So is this film scary? I was bored to be honest.. I was just waiting for something to happen, something scary would be great. Watch it if you want but I will not recommend it.

Have a great weekend!

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