fredag den 30. september 2016

The Walking Dead: Descent

Lilly Caul is unlucky in her decisions on saving people and men to date... Some get shot, others bitten and some just simply crazy. She chooses to save Reverend Jeremiah and his congregation. That was a bad decision especially after she had just fallen in love again with a religious guy who goes crazy. Sorry if I spoil too much but that woman needs to do a background check on her guys.
Actually reading and watching The Walking Dead makes you sceptic toward religious people. I'm religious myself but I would never see a zombie apocalypse as a beat of death, a sign from God that we should kill all livings or a way that the Devil can capture our souls forever. Of course I understand that you would try to find a meaning in such a mess but this is just not a good meaning. I would more see it as a way to clean up this messy planet. But anyways zombies are not real.
The thing is Lilly is trying to keep Woodbury from falling apart and that's a good thing but where's the best place to hide during an apocalypse and save people? Oh yeah, under ground! Bob is a former drunk who did bad things but he discovers some forgotten tunnels under the ground of Woodbury and that way they can save Jeremiah's church. But they should not had done that. These people have secrets and they are not good and the reverend reminds me of the Governor in many ways; nice on the outside and a real sociopath in reality. Oh yeah, here we go again and if only Lilly wasn't so stubborn.. She annoys me sometimes.

But anyways it's a great book to read if you are a fan of TWD like me! Good luck :)

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