onsdag den 25. november 2015

'Mandela - long walk to freedom' - the film

A great story of one of the most inspiring people in the fight for human rights and equalities.
A beloved man with a good heart on the outside and even his dark sides are seen as well.
He is full of dignity and even though he is angry and kinda mentally abused.
This film is worth watching even though it is long and not full of action (a film doesn't need a lot of action to be good).
I was very fascinated of Mandela's way of seeing his fight for human rights, he wanted it without blood! That's a thing no one can ever take away from him, he wanted a peaceful revolution and well it is a bit a shame he didn't get what he wanted since it turned out really bloody and violent. But what did the government expect? If you take a big bunch of people and take away all their rights including votes and then includes a 'heartbreak law', so that whites and 'non-whites' cannot be married, how can you not expect these people to protest and turn out violent? I don't believe in violence,  but I sill understand their frustrations. This actor who plays Mandela is really good at imitating his voice and difficult accent. Now I'm so used to many sorts of English so I understood what he said, but a lot of non English people prefers subtitles on this film, even a girl from my class who has lived in Cape Town.
I can really recommend everyone to watch this film, but if you have no interest in big historical moments, then this is a very long film. But why not give it a chance and try to watch this to become multicultural and learn something very important? Apartheid is not the way. As Mandela said when he was released from prison: 'Apartheid has no future', and he was right. I just can't believe I was 2 month old before it ended...
I think this movie is a great way to honor on of the biggest men in modern history, he needs to be celebrated and remembered by us, the next generations and to the end of the world.

Keep it in mind.


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