torsdag den 23. juli 2015

Falun cobber mine.

Today in my adventure seeking here in Sweden I visited the cobber mine in Falun.
The pressure from below the surface is giving me a headache for sure. The mine is 400 m. deep but we were not allowed to go further down than 70 m. and that was enough it was very claustrophobic. It was a bit creepy to know that the mine has collapsed a couple of times and the guide even showed us the most dangerous place in the mine. He told us stories about a man who drowned in the mine and was found many years after. He looked like he had just passed away! His body remained for 42 years before he actually began to rotten! It's a wonder what's going on down there. He told that Falun was very wealthy and a lot of strong men volunteered to work in the mine because they were paid good. The mine has been open for about a 1000 years and it closed down in 1992 it has no plans of reopening. I could see the shining gold in the walls, it was amazingly beautiful.
I can slightly recommend this for tourists who aren't afraid of heights. And I really mean that!

I hope you can see the pictures I know they are very dark (: 
I hope you can see what I mean about not being afraid of heights. and you also have to wear that orange helmet and cape and I will recommend waterproof shoes and they are allowed to be destroyed because the mud in the mines are very red and they dye your shoes. The last to pictures are from the museum. (: 

have fun, and see ya next time in another destination! <3 

History of Sidsjö Hotel.

You feel like it's creeping in on you from every side. This place has a smell not to describe but I will try; clean, sick and hiding something.
It took me a lot of research on the internet to actually find information of this place but I could see right away that this had been a hospital and I was right! this place has been a mental institution and one of them with a creepy story. All mental institution have a creepy story behind. I thought there might be a reason why I had to google it 3 times before something useful showed up. Besides for this hotel they have also made apartments out of this! I don't even wanna know how many people died in this room.... room 318, this is where I sleep tonight knowing that a mad doctor made experiments on his patience here. He thought cutting the nerve system in their brains would cure anxiety, well it did since it removed all their feelings but many of them died during the surgery. Maybe it happened too exactly where I lie right now?

I found this blog with some pictures from one of the empty buildings around. It's in Swedish and google translate sucks but try to get the best out of it anyways, I didn't understand it all either.

Here are some pictures I have taken :)

It doesn't seem creepy but the smell and atmosphere is a little different. I will tell if I meet a ghost ;) 

Bye <3 

mandag den 20. juli 2015

Days in the middle of nowhere

So you thought Nowhere only exist in 'Courage the cowardly dog'?
What if I told you that's where I am right now? xD
I'm in Nothern Värmland in Sweden. More correctly near Sÿsslebäck.
So what am I doing?
Having a break from internet even though I have Telia Norden so I have internet all over Scandinavia but I choose not to use it. Right now I'm having a cup of coffee at a hotel and chose to write a little. I've caught fish, seen moose and a lot of other weird animals including a bat and some sort of stoat and insects I haven't seen before. And now I stink of anti-mosquito because I'm allergic to mosquito bites, and they have a billion up here in the mountains. I have also bought a mosquito suit, I look very good in it, in my dreams xD
The view is unbelievable beautiful. We don't have mountains in Denmark so I'm not used the air either, it's amazing!
I wish I was a little better at communicating with Swedish people though, I kinda understand what they say but I can't speak Swedish xD

My sister thought I would be bored up here in nowhere but she's totally wrong. I know I'm a big city girl but everybody needs a break sometimes and has to be taught new things. I love animals and nature so this place is ideal for me.
Always being online can be kinda depressing so take your time offline too! you won't regret :)
I have taken amazing pictures I will share later and I will show my sister that nowhere can be a fun place too!
I have fun with my pink fishing rod and matching bag xD I wonder what the people around think of me? They might think I'm insane, but I have the record now of catching the longest perch in Eggsjöen  now, he was 24 cm! and he tasted good :3

Well, I hope I will see and try more cool stuff so I can blog about it, so far, go offline and have fun in the real world, bye :*


'Hannibal rising'

How to create a monster?
Maybe start with world war 2 or a couple of hungry SS.
Poor Hannibal, all alone in the world but I must say he makes it anyway, I mean... He does become a doctor and that's not quiet bad.
When you know the old Hannibal films with Anthony Hopkins then you will have high expectations to this young French actor. He's easy on the eye and he's doing a great job! If you will keep the illusion of a mystic Hannibal nobody really knows, then don't watch this film, it tells his whole story; from childhood to his first piece of human flesh.  I know it's disgusting but it is a good story and it gives you a chill on the spine. It's worth the almost 2 hours it takes to watch this. Scary? not really but it makes you feel like you really don't know people around you ;) Who's your neighbor?  Maybe he's the real life Hannibal or a new Leather face. You will never know! But don't be paranoid, that's not a good thing :D

Have fun!

:* Momsen Doll

torsdag den 9. juli 2015


So now I have watched the old and the new version so I can tell about them both.

The first from 1976 is made out of Stephen King's book and the new one from 2013 is too. Now you know that.

The old film starts with Carrie who's showering and gets her first period, she doesn't know what it is and starts screaming! It must really not be funny not knowing what it means to become a woman.
The girls bully her and throws tampons at her while they scream 'Plug it up!'
I read in King's biography that he really hates that story and the mean girls, so do I!
Little miss Carrie White is having telekinetic powers but she doesn't really know how to control them. And she can never tell her religious mother (Fanaticism is rarely a good thing)
The first film was kinda boring, I remember I almost fell asleep, but it is a good view also that Carrie really looks like she could use a make over. Not a big one though I don't think she's ugly, she could just use a little mascara and get her hair done, that would make wonders.  It's also funny to see the mean girls in this film and the lovely fashion of the 70's! What were they thinking? xD Okay the next generation will think so to about us in 40 years, but still xD
I like the ending of the first film, I almost had a heart attack! You know when you were kinda bored and you think nothing is gonna happen then you will get a big shock like I did.

The new film starts with Carries mother is giving birth. She wants to kill the baby but she's too weak. She raises her in the faith of God with the same result as the old film, she doesn't know what her period is and the girls are laughing at her and throwing tampons at her while they scream 'Plug it up!' but then I saw something new... Something disturbing, they are not only bullying her, they film as they do it! And later they upload it on the internet... Why did I start thinking of Amanda Todd?
I love the new film for bringing it on, internet bullying is a bad thing and it's hard to stop. Well, Sue seems to have a heart after all and she regrets what she did and wants her popular football player boyfriend to invite her to the prom.
It's nice of him to do it. How could he ever know how her mother would react?
Do you know how much I hate animal cruelty? Well, this film includes a poor pig getting hurt... Only for a prank, are you serious Chris?
The prank isn't even funny... Throwing pig blood at the prom queen is just disgusting and stupid.. And poor Sue! Left alone with a little girl..
The ending here is a little different though, oh my God who will make that kind of damage on a thumb stone? People are so heedless... But I still like the end and the effects on this film are a little better. But it has also been 40 years of new technology.

I can recommend both films, watch the old one first it's on HBO and the new one is on Netflix.
Enjoy them, they aren't scary ;)

'Band of brothers'

It breaks my heart to see this. I have been to the countries they show; Belgium, Holland, Austria and of course Germany. But it's not to believe it looked like that 70 years ago.
I have to say that Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks really nailed this.
This is real life horror, how can you ever prepare young men for a war? How can you ever prepare them for the pain of losing their friends or their leg?
And have you ever told them why they fight? 'The Germans are bad' is not a real answer if you ask me.
I have to say episode 9 'Why we fight' is the most intense of them all.
Have you ever been to a concentration camp? I have been to 2 and I can tell you that even today you can feel the horror. You can feel the fears, the bad energy and all the screams and deceases. But finding it back then with people inside, starving, burning alive and slowly dying, it must be the most horrifying thing I can imagine. And what will you do? What can you do?
And how to recover after a war?
I like that you get to see the soldiers in the beginning, those who really where there, they tell about their lives and their experiences.
I don't wish I'm ever gonna experience a war...
I like the cast, the actors are good and they make it look really authentic. The same with the film effects, the natural colors and the sound effects, it really makes you feel like you are there.

And as a woman I can say that Neal McDonough is a snack.
LOL, sorry xD

But watch this serie if you have time, I can only tell you it's absolutely worth watching!
Enjoy (:  

mandag den 6. juli 2015

Out to sea

Today I visited the Utzon center. Last time I was there it was all about robots; how robots will take over the world, not like in films, but you know like automatic vacuum cleaners and so on. I think it's nice, I hate doing house work.
But anyways today it was about the sea, how much plastic and trash ends up in the sea and kills the animal life and  ends back up in your own stomach. Yeah, now you know that, a fish will eat your trash and later you will eat the fish.

These were the pictures I took. I might return after my summer vacation to take some more pictures. They had some awesome machines build in Lego!
But yeah, the pictures are trash which has been found in the ocean. It scares me a lot. I hate to see the world being destroyed like this, why can't people just use a trash can? is it really that difficult?
I'm no angel, but taking responsibility is a thing I will always do and if I ever have children, I will teach them to do it too. There's nothing worse than people who simply doesn't care at all.
I hope that the next couple of generations will stop this before we end up like in 'Wall-e'
The only thing that should flow around in the sea should be fish, birds and of course water. And a small ship won't hurt.
Please, pick up your trash and put it in a bin, think about others than yourself. Make that change!
