mandag den 6. juli 2015

Out to sea

Today I visited the Utzon center. Last time I was there it was all about robots; how robots will take over the world, not like in films, but you know like automatic vacuum cleaners and so on. I think it's nice, I hate doing house work.
But anyways today it was about the sea, how much plastic and trash ends up in the sea and kills the animal life and  ends back up in your own stomach. Yeah, now you know that, a fish will eat your trash and later you will eat the fish.

These were the pictures I took. I might return after my summer vacation to take some more pictures. They had some awesome machines build in Lego!
But yeah, the pictures are trash which has been found in the ocean. It scares me a lot. I hate to see the world being destroyed like this, why can't people just use a trash can? is it really that difficult?
I'm no angel, but taking responsibility is a thing I will always do and if I ever have children, I will teach them to do it too. There's nothing worse than people who simply doesn't care at all.
I hope that the next couple of generations will stop this before we end up like in 'Wall-e'
The only thing that should flow around in the sea should be fish, birds and of course water. And a small ship won't hurt.
Please, pick up your trash and put it in a bin, think about others than yourself. Make that change!


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