torsdag den 23. juli 2015

History of Sidsjö Hotel.

You feel like it's creeping in on you from every side. This place has a smell not to describe but I will try; clean, sick and hiding something.
It took me a lot of research on the internet to actually find information of this place but I could see right away that this had been a hospital and I was right! this place has been a mental institution and one of them with a creepy story. All mental institution have a creepy story behind. I thought there might be a reason why I had to google it 3 times before something useful showed up. Besides for this hotel they have also made apartments out of this! I don't even wanna know how many people died in this room.... room 318, this is where I sleep tonight knowing that a mad doctor made experiments on his patience here. He thought cutting the nerve system in their brains would cure anxiety, well it did since it removed all their feelings but many of them died during the surgery. Maybe it happened too exactly where I lie right now?

I found this blog with some pictures from one of the empty buildings around. It's in Swedish and google translate sucks but try to get the best out of it anyways, I didn't understand it all either.

Here are some pictures I have taken :)

It doesn't seem creepy but the smell and atmosphere is a little different. I will tell if I meet a ghost ;) 

Bye <3 

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