onsdag den 8. april 2015

Justice for Walter Scott

I hate reading that kind of disgusting headlines like the one I read this morning on my iPhone.. An unarmed man was shot 8 times!

And the police officer lied and said it was selfdefense... I'm kinda happy that it was caught on tape so that the judge can see it was a lie.
I know history has a way of repeating itself but luckily for Scott's family it seems like justice will be done and the case won't end like the Michael Brown case did.
A guy on Facebook was ignorant saying it was Brown's own fault. Seriously? He was a human being just like you and me and he had family and friends! He deserved justice no matter what, just like anyone else.
All this injustice makes my heart bleed...
But God will give the justice the court won't give.

May you rest in peace and let God be with your family <3  

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