onsdag den 27. maj 2015

'The orphanage'

This film really scored high on the scary lists on google. I didn't find it scary though, maybe I was too busy reading subtitles and lost a lot of the film that way, yeah sorry I can do many things but understand Spanish is not one of them.
I think the beginning is chaotic, you have a feeling that the son sees ghosts when  he mentions his 'imaginary' friends. Children are easier mediums than adults.
In the end it all makes sense and it's actually a wonderful ending, another horror film with no cliché ending, I like that. And who is Thomas? oh yeah and the intoxicated children? just what? it makes sense in the end though ;)
Watch this film and skip the damn subtitles if you can, they destroy everything.
I have watched 'Volver' (I don't know the english title) and 'Pan's labyrinth' and I'm not quiet a fan of Spanish films, but this one is very good.
Enjoy <3

Okay, I have blogged about many films today, it's not like I some geek who has been watching them only today, I just had time now to blog. I'm busy studying for my exams.
Yes, my exams scare me to death! Maybe I just have to watch films about that instead? ;)
Make a film called 'The math exam' or 'Chemistry on level A' trust me, that can make me shit my pants xD

Have a nice day (:

The shining and Doctor sleep - by Stephen King

It's no secret that Stephen King is my favorite author and he nailed it again!

'The shining' is one of the best books ever written so that's why I hate Stanley Kubricks film! Yeah, sorry to spoil it but it's too far away from the book just like 'The running man' pure crap if you are a true King fan!
You won't be able to read 'Doctor sleep' if you haven't read 'The shining' or seen the remake film. Take your time and you will never watch the Kubrick film again. Actually if you read 'Misery' you will also see that something's rotten in that film..

I just finished the book 'Doctor sleep' master piece! Cuz what happened to Dan after he grew up? Don't we always wanna know that when cruel things happen to children, how do they deal with it, can they live a normal life?
Dan has to teach a little girl how to control her shining but a bunch of dangerous 'people' gets in the way. They love kids with the shining, they calm them 'Steam heads'. But I would really love to know what happens to the baseball boy, will they just let him be? Of course it's difficult to know how to deal with finding a body in an abandoned area, what are you gonna tell the police? "He called me through my shinning", nahhh...

At least the woman with the hat gets what she deserves and her crew does too.
Dan is an interesting boy, you think he learned from his father's mistakes but you are totally wrong. In every way.

And if you wanna make a film out of it, do it by the book!

But enjoy these master pieces with a chill going down your spine, but I must warn you! once you open them, you never close them again!

'The exorcism of Emily Rose'

Wow, what a blast! I don't remember the last time I watch such a touching film.
Scary... sorry but I don't think so. But it makes you think twice, I truly believe that the priest was innocent.
It's just hard to take it serious when Emily Rose was played by Jennifer Carpenter whom also starred in 'White chicks'... x_x
But the problem in this modern world is that no one believes in supernatural things anymore.. Poor man who was clearly innocent.
It's a fantastic story and a fantastic development and it touches you deep inside. You get disgusted by all the injustice going on in this world and you try to understand the jury. But if you have an open mind, it's just so hard! typical modern people who loves math and statistics and things that makes sense. Demons, Gods and Devils don't make sense so that's why no one wanna listen to it anymore.
This film really proofs this Science vs. Religion time we live in right now.
Remember, we don't know!We can't proof that these things don't exist and using 'logic' just don't get along with the supernatural.

Well, take your time to watch this fantastic film and watch it with an open mind, that way you will be able to see what I mean (;

I will keep on hunting the film, that can scare the hell out of me!

'The woman'

Wtf......? Sorry but why is this film even called a horror film?
'Scary movie' is more frightening..
Seriously, a wild woman captured by a pervert lawyer who rapes her and tries to civilize her while he's abusing his wife and daughters.... Yeah, wtf right?
It's disgusting I will go far enough to say that I always find cannibal film disgusting, but not scary. It included some annoying sound effects like 'Sinister' but that's all.
And what the hell was that thing in the dog cage? Maybe you are told in 'The offspring' which should be the first one, I haven't watched it though, I didn't know this was a number 2 before I read the comments about it.
And the end..? Christ, I just got dumber..........

Well, waist your time watching it if you want but I won't recommend it.

Duma Key - by Stephen King

I love to read and reading a masterpiece makes me happy.
This book 'Duma Key' is a fantastic book with many questions about the undead, what can people suffering from alzheimer actually remember and what does phantom pain really mean? This book doesn't answer the questions because nobody knows for sure.

Suddenly Edgar Freemantle's life changes for good, he loses his arm, wife and job. He moves to the island Duma Key and he knows there's something special about his house. He paints and draws to forget his phantom pain and soon he discovers a connection between his paintings and the dark history of the island. His neighbor is an old woman whom's caretaker is former lawyer, Wireman.
The old woman is suffering from alzheimer but she sure remembers a traumatic childhood and the loss of her sisters.

The book is very Stephen King-like, questioning the life after dead and being horrifying so you just have to read the next chapter!

So read this fantastic book and find out who Perse is.
And if anyone ever makes a film out of it, they better do it good! and not like all the other disappointments -.-
Enjoy <3

'2001 maniacs'

Never trust a village which lives like before the civil war.. I mean it! 
But my mission about finding a film that scares me still hasn't happened... -.- It's just impossible, but this film is damn cool! If you like crazy horror films go watch this one! And it's with Robert Englund so it can only be good ;) 
This crazy films is very typical, a group of young people gets lost and end up in a mess that they can't get themselves out of, unless they poke out the mayors good eye xD 
And if you thought you like S&M this film might take it to the extreme where you are a little bit like.. Damn, I don't wanna try that o.o 

It has cool effects, a funny manuscript and good actors. but scary... hmmm no not at all. 
The end is no near what you except, it's totally cool and just for once it's not cliché! Can you believe it? It happens so rarely xD 
So yahoo yankies! Enjoy this film and stay away from cities covered in southern state flags with no power or hot water. ;) 

tirsdag den 26. maj 2015


Do you remember the time when happy slapping was trending? If you take that and make it a little more extreme then you have what this film is about... Basically.

Okay I was told by a person like me (growing up with horror films and never gets scared) that this film was scary and horrifying, she didn't sleep for 4 weeks! Well, why? This film was boring I almost fell asleep -.- When will a film scare me?
I feel like I'm a numb non-human.

Well back to the film: Cliché like always, this family moves in to a haunted house which isn't really haunted but it has history which is unpleasant and absolutely great for a writer. He tries to find out what happened to the family who lived there and what happened to their lost daughter? Was she eaten by the man with the weird mask? well who knows? certainly I don't. I just found the end very weird and confusing. Who is the mask and what is he doing to the kids? I'm not sure I even wanna know..
But remember always blame the lost children!
Haven't you watched 'Children of the corn'? see you can't trust them.

But I need to get back to my studying now.. Reading chemistry is a true killer.
Well, have fun!

I'm The Momsen Doll and I will be back ;)

onsdag den 20. maj 2015

'American horror story'

This serie is split up in 3 seperated seasons even though they use the same actors xD

The first season is a cliché story about a family that moves in to a a big spooky house with a long and terrifying story. The thing that makes you wanna watch each episode is to find out what happened to the families, they all 'killed themselves'. The teenage daughter is suicidal and the housemaid changes look when men looks at her. And what is this house haunted by? Ghosts, the living dead or whatever you wanna call them, but if you die in the house, you stay in the house. I like season 1 even though it's very cliché. 

The second season, Asylum, is a little cliché too but full of surprises! and in my opinion this is the best one. A classic story of a mental institution if your weren't insane when you arrived, you will be insane. And who's the real Bloody face? The man who kills women and uses their skin for souvenirs, is it one of the inmates that nobody trusts or is it one of the doctors that seems sane and educated? (We don't know our neighbors!)  
Can you cure nymphomania, homosexuality or create a new and stronger specie? These are answers we know today in 2015 but how about back in the 60's? And why didn't they keep their humanity in finding these cures? I bet doctor 'Autswitch' can answer that.   
The only thing I didn't really like about this season is the alien part... I'm sure they could had put it in another way.. I mean the part with Bloody face and the special kids. Or maybe I'm just not an alien person? 

The third season, Coven. Oh yes, how is it to have been buried for over a 100 years and be dug up in a time were Barack Obama is holding speeches as the president of the USA? 
I'm sure that the slave torturer Marie Laveau is confused and hates this new time. 
Besides dealing with racism this season also deals with plenty of bitch fights and how can you not when so many girls with witchy powers are living together? (I remember boarding school a little too much) 
And can women really accept a leader and obey her? I have my doubts... Women are just too bitchy and wants to be nr. 1 all the time. 
My personal favorites are Fiona Goode and Misty Day, they are so cool! 
So yeah in a modern world with social media would you then be seen as a freak show if you had witchy powers? That's a secret I guess only witches can answer. 
And who is the next supreme? maybe it's you... or me ;)

The fourth season is is very deep. Living at a circus, using your disfigure to make people laugh, that's kinda cruel.. Can you imagine what kind of life it might give you? You will always be known as a freakshow. What a cruel world to live in, the man with the short arms is seen as a freak but the curling kid killer is normal? What kind of humanistic failure is that?
Well, this season is really cool for showing how trans genders and other 'Not ordinary' people were put up in the 50's-60's. My personal favorite is 3-boobs lady xD she's a bitchy diva and a really cool person. And I like the little Indian woman, she's very cute and she doesn't deserve the way she dies. I'm not trying to spoil anything, I'm just making a conclusion. It is a horror show, of course someone dies. and of course someone chose to make a love story, both with the twins and with Lobster boy and the fortune teller. So I can just ask you now, how far will you go for money, fame or science?
It is also fantastic to know the background of how Pepper ended up at the asylum. Yeah, I don't really get it, season 4 happens before season 2? Never mind, poor framed Pepper. 

I haven't watched season 5 yet, so I will have to wait to blog about that. 
But sit down and enjoy these 4 seasons and don't be scared like my cowardly boyfriend. 
I'm watching 'Sleepy Hollow' and 'The returned' right now so I won't be bored. 

See ya <3 

tirsdag den 19. maj 2015


What else to do on a rainy and thunderings day but watch Netflix? *cough except for studying *cough

Well, I tried so hard to watch this film without thinking of 'Scary movie 3' but I completely failed! I truly understand why they made fun of this film, no offense but mixing horror and science fiction is in my opinion just a no go xD
It's totally weird, I like Mel Gibson I think he's a fantastic actor and an even better film maker but seriously this film is some kind of joke. An alien invasion will just never be scary enough to become a horror film, and the scenario with his dead wife is kinda stupid too. How can he not understand that his wife is cut in the middle and that when they pull away the truck, she will die? Why does it have to be repeated 3 times? The aliens are just speaking a funny language and it just sounds like a sick animal, maybe a squirrel or something. 'Alvin and the chipmunks' is more scary than this film, I mean talking chipmunks, that's freaky!
This is a film I can say I have watched and I properly won't watch it again.
When I watch a scary film I expect it to be scary and not just stupid. I try to be scared but I feel so numb... 'The conjuring' was a little scary but that's was only because it is based on a true story, if it wasn't it would just be as scare as 'The grudge' which is totally overrated, because it isn't scary! And yes I have watched the original and it's not scary at all...
Neither is 'Paranormal activity'.

But I have plenty of other films and series I will blog about later.
So far, enjoy your evening because it's not coming back again.

Chao! <3

mandag den 18. maj 2015

Exam's break

Damn I wanna pack my things and go seriously, I'm stressed! My exams are in a few weeks and I just had to buy a new charger for my computer so now I'm totally broke. I had to buy a new bed and new cages for my rabbits so yeah I have spent all the money I had for this month...

And what can I say? I'm anxious, I feel like no matter how hard I study, I will just never do good. I went down last christmas because of a bad exam and I sure will do it again this summer... I hope I can stay longer in Sweden than only 3 weeks like last year. Last year was amazing though.. I mean 3 weeks away from everything just enjoying the summer. Of course I was scared of starting on a new school but this year will be different, I don't have any new school to worry about.
I feel like I have a lot going on my mind these days and a lot of worries.

My math exam is worrying me the most, that has always been my biggest challenge. I'm properly going to Copenhagen in June to get a little bit away from thick books and brainwash.. If I'm lucky, I can still get tickets to Copenhell. But I have to wait, I simply don't have any money.
My dad is trying to calm my nerves but he's not doing that well... but he tries and he deserves credit for that!
I'm lucky to have a father like him who tries to understand me even though he can't.

I gotta feed the rabbits before it gets dark, have a nice day! <3

mandag den 4. maj 2015

70 years of liberation

It's May 4, which means it's independence day in Denmark. It was the day that the German troops left and the war was over, at least for now... The nazi's left and I hope they will never return.

Well today we still sing a song which was written for this day and the churches are open. (I wish the schools were closed though)
I could use it since I'm not feeling well today. We had a family party as we call a confirmation, it's to celebrate our children grow up and can go to work now. That's was more like a middle age thing when children worked hard to earn money for the family, today it's more like a tradition and it only means anything for the Christians. The rest just wants presents and a party.
I had my confirmation in 2007, Lord I'm old xD and to me the party and presents didn't mean anything, I was more in to the church  part when you say 'Yes' to believe in God.
I was sitting with my stepbrother and the English part of the family. I ended up getting a bit drunk xD Well, that's what happens when you are in a good company with alcohol around you.
I can't tell if that's why I'm dizzy today or if it's because I slept very bad? Actually it doesn't matter, I'm not feeling well so school has been like  torture, but I came and that's the point! ;)
Math is seriously killing me though... I wish I didn't have to go to exam in it but I have no choice.

Being a student can be a tough thing but at least studying is free.
So yeah, I was a little silly yesterday xD It's not all my fault, I was born this way xD
And I'm proud! In my dreams xD 

Have a lovely day everyone and May the 4 be with you ;)