onsdag den 20. maj 2015

'American horror story'

This serie is split up in 3 seperated seasons even though they use the same actors xD

The first season is a cliché story about a family that moves in to a a big spooky house with a long and terrifying story. The thing that makes you wanna watch each episode is to find out what happened to the families, they all 'killed themselves'. The teenage daughter is suicidal and the housemaid changes look when men looks at her. And what is this house haunted by? Ghosts, the living dead or whatever you wanna call them, but if you die in the house, you stay in the house. I like season 1 even though it's very cliché. 

The second season, Asylum, is a little cliché too but full of surprises! and in my opinion this is the best one. A classic story of a mental institution if your weren't insane when you arrived, you will be insane. And who's the real Bloody face? The man who kills women and uses their skin for souvenirs, is it one of the inmates that nobody trusts or is it one of the doctors that seems sane and educated? (We don't know our neighbors!)  
Can you cure nymphomania, homosexuality or create a new and stronger specie? These are answers we know today in 2015 but how about back in the 60's? And why didn't they keep their humanity in finding these cures? I bet doctor 'Autswitch' can answer that.   
The only thing I didn't really like about this season is the alien part... I'm sure they could had put it in another way.. I mean the part with Bloody face and the special kids. Or maybe I'm just not an alien person? 

The third season, Coven. Oh yes, how is it to have been buried for over a 100 years and be dug up in a time were Barack Obama is holding speeches as the president of the USA? 
I'm sure that the slave torturer Marie Laveau is confused and hates this new time. 
Besides dealing with racism this season also deals with plenty of bitch fights and how can you not when so many girls with witchy powers are living together? (I remember boarding school a little too much) 
And can women really accept a leader and obey her? I have my doubts... Women are just too bitchy and wants to be nr. 1 all the time. 
My personal favorites are Fiona Goode and Misty Day, they are so cool! 
So yeah in a modern world with social media would you then be seen as a freak show if you had witchy powers? That's a secret I guess only witches can answer. 
And who is the next supreme? maybe it's you... or me ;)

The fourth season is is very deep. Living at a circus, using your disfigure to make people laugh, that's kinda cruel.. Can you imagine what kind of life it might give you? You will always be known as a freakshow. What a cruel world to live in, the man with the short arms is seen as a freak but the curling kid killer is normal? What kind of humanistic failure is that?
Well, this season is really cool for showing how trans genders and other 'Not ordinary' people were put up in the 50's-60's. My personal favorite is 3-boobs lady xD she's a bitchy diva and a really cool person. And I like the little Indian woman, she's very cute and she doesn't deserve the way she dies. I'm not trying to spoil anything, I'm just making a conclusion. It is a horror show, of course someone dies. and of course someone chose to make a love story, both with the twins and with Lobster boy and the fortune teller. So I can just ask you now, how far will you go for money, fame or science?
It is also fantastic to know the background of how Pepper ended up at the asylum. Yeah, I don't really get it, season 4 happens before season 2? Never mind, poor framed Pepper. 

I haven't watched season 5 yet, so I will have to wait to blog about that. 
But sit down and enjoy these 4 seasons and don't be scared like my cowardly boyfriend. 
I'm watching 'Sleepy Hollow' and 'The returned' right now so I won't be bored. 

See ya <3 

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