mandag den 18. maj 2015

Exam's break

Damn I wanna pack my things and go seriously, I'm stressed! My exams are in a few weeks and I just had to buy a new charger for my computer so now I'm totally broke. I had to buy a new bed and new cages for my rabbits so yeah I have spent all the money I had for this month...

And what can I say? I'm anxious, I feel like no matter how hard I study, I will just never do good. I went down last christmas because of a bad exam and I sure will do it again this summer... I hope I can stay longer in Sweden than only 3 weeks like last year. Last year was amazing though.. I mean 3 weeks away from everything just enjoying the summer. Of course I was scared of starting on a new school but this year will be different, I don't have any new school to worry about.
I feel like I have a lot going on my mind these days and a lot of worries.

My math exam is worrying me the most, that has always been my biggest challenge. I'm properly going to Copenhagen in June to get a little bit away from thick books and brainwash.. If I'm lucky, I can still get tickets to Copenhell. But I have to wait, I simply don't have any money.
My dad is trying to calm my nerves but he's not doing that well... but he tries and he deserves credit for that!
I'm lucky to have a father like him who tries to understand me even though he can't.

I gotta feed the rabbits before it gets dark, have a nice day! <3

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