tirsdag den 15. december 2015

'Black Christmas'

Merry Christmas, it only happens once a year and you have to be happy. Unless you get a visit from a serial killer dressed up as Santa Claus of course.
A different kind of Christmas film when you are used to films like 'Home alone'.
So who is the insane one here? The guy who kills people and eat their eyes or the abusive mother who keeps him hidden and only loves his younger sister.
Besides that he did see his father being killed by the mother and her lover.
And even serial killers want to be home for Christmas. So what to do when you return and you see that your family is gone and a bunch of fancy curling teenage girls have moved in? You make them apart of your family, and when your way of seeing them as your family is eating their eyes... well I guess that's what you do. So what happened to his younger sister whose eye was eaten?
She joins her brother who is the only family left for her.
It also cool to see some actors from some teen shows I watched when I was younger xD

So merry Christmas and watch out for your dear ones ;)

fredag den 27. november 2015

'Chernobyl Diaries'

Okay, quiet an interesting movie. It has a simple topic; some American teens wanting to experience Europe, quiet normal if you like to travel or you are some sort of interested in different cultures.
They get an extraordinary experience when they arrive in Ukraine, they can see a ghost town and just a ghost town but a radioactive one, they can experience nothing less but Chernobyl! or a town nearby but that's just as good ;)

Would you had said yes if a travel guide was with you and he promised you it would be save?
I'm not 100% sure what my answer would be, but these youngsters they chose to follow him into the mysterious adventure. They see a left town, empty... No children are laughing, no people are yelling, shouting, hurrying and no cars are driving, it is all silent!
They take pictures and makes sure that they will remember this for the rest of their lives... When you are young you feel kinda immortal, right?

Okay, maybe I would have said yes after all since I have seen a ghost town from the outside when I was kid, it was in Cyprus before it became a member of the EU and yet here I am, still alive... But of course it was not a radioactive area.. like this, where animals has taken over and now only the strongest will survive, or 'survival of the fittest' as Darwin used to say.
I still don't understand the bear though... this film could had been cool without.
 I don't understand why this film is so low rated on Netflix, of course it is a weird film and not quiet perfect, but still very interesting. I like the parts where it gets dark and they are stuck in there to next morning and what to do when you are surrounded by angry dogs who are high radioactive?
Well, you wait for them to be gone.
And then your travel guide disappears and then what do you do? you will try to find him and then get away.. but what if something follows you?
Let's take a look to see how realistic this film is, They swim in a radioactive river... I cannot recommend doing that since all the water around Chernobyl are deadly, and you do not eat the fish you catch their. And if you saw the fish you wouldn't want to eat them. So that part is not possible at all. Next part when they actually end inside the core of the abandoned power plant and I have to say you do not live for long in there and you have no time to be a drama queen... that's for sure. So that is, even though you see weird human kinda things, this is more unrealistic, because who says that you cannot create some sort of human being who can live under these circumstances?
This is kind of a mix between 'Wrong turn' and 'The hills have eyes'.

Well, I think you should take your time to watch this film if you are interested in weird phenomena. So how do I understand the end? I'm no expert though but I think these creatures where made by mad scientists since they have a room full of them.

Watch it, it is worth it and maybe you can figure out the bear?


onsdag den 25. november 2015

'Mandela - long walk to freedom' - the film

A great story of one of the most inspiring people in the fight for human rights and equalities.
A beloved man with a good heart on the outside and even his dark sides are seen as well.
He is full of dignity and even though he is angry and kinda mentally abused.
This film is worth watching even though it is long and not full of action (a film doesn't need a lot of action to be good).
I was very fascinated of Mandela's way of seeing his fight for human rights, he wanted it without blood! That's a thing no one can ever take away from him, he wanted a peaceful revolution and well it is a bit a shame he didn't get what he wanted since it turned out really bloody and violent. But what did the government expect? If you take a big bunch of people and take away all their rights including votes and then includes a 'heartbreak law', so that whites and 'non-whites' cannot be married, how can you not expect these people to protest and turn out violent? I don't believe in violence,  but I sill understand their frustrations. This actor who plays Mandela is really good at imitating his voice and difficult accent. Now I'm so used to many sorts of English so I understood what he said, but a lot of non English people prefers subtitles on this film, even a girl from my class who has lived in Cape Town.
I can really recommend everyone to watch this film, but if you have no interest in big historical moments, then this is a very long film. But why not give it a chance and try to watch this to become multicultural and learn something very important? Apartheid is not the way. As Mandela said when he was released from prison: 'Apartheid has no future', and he was right. I just can't believe I was 2 month old before it ended...
I think this movie is a great way to honor on of the biggest men in modern history, he needs to be celebrated and remembered by us, the next generations and to the end of the world.

Keep it in mind.


onsdag den 18. november 2015

'Woman in gold'

It's no secret that I love historical movies and this one was no exception. Helen Mirren is doing a great job as Ms. Altmann and I like they speak German in this film. I even thought they spoke well Austrian-Germany even though I'm no expert in German dialects then I have been to both Germany and Austria and they speak softer in Austria.
Ok, this film is another story about the dark side of the European history including the discrimination of Jews during the Second World War. This artistic painting by Gustav Klimt is stolen by the Nazis and later this stubborn old lady wants her painting back. It's all about justice and compensating from the horror these people faced in Hitler's regime.
This film also shows how Jews were humiliated and put down to a low level even though a lot of them were very rich.
If you like me like historical films, then I can only recommend to watch this film.
When I come to New York some day I will sure see this painting in real life :)
Okay, have great day!


mandag den 16. november 2015

'The boy in the striped pajamas' - the film

What an amazing film with really good actors. The film is not a disappointment not even after reading the book. The only thing to point fingers at is the language.. Why are they speaking English when this is supposed to be a German family living in Poland? Big mistake, it kinda destroys the picture it is trying to make upon Nazi Germany.
But this film is amazing and cruel at the same time. How do you tell a child what's going on and that Jews aren't real people when this little innocent child can't see any differences between Jews and the other people. And can you love your family unconditionally? Even though your father is doing things that are hard to accept would you still be able to love him? Bruno's mother has cold feet and doesn't want this separation of people and her reaction when she finds out the Jews are getting killed in this concentration camp shows that not everyone were convinced about how to treat those Hitler didn't like. It wasn't only Jews but simply just every non-arians, homosexuals and the ones who tried to be against him. And what about Gretel? Will she ever rip her Hitler posters down and burn them or will she cry when he shoots himself and will she continue his legacy? Most answers would be no, since Germany already after the SWW tried to avoid what had happened and they tried to burn the camps down to hide their tracks. New Nazism was illegal afterwards and it is a big tabu to just to and be sceptic towards another race or culture (I have seen a lot of examples in the past couple of months during this refugee debate).

The chamber scene in the end is very intense and you feel a kind of empathy you don't really understand yourself. Maybe because you can't imagine in anyway what it must feel like to be locked up like that, having tasted away your freedom, life and even name.. you are just a number, how cruel is that?
Enjoy your freedom!


onsdag den 11. november 2015

'Thriller live'

What a great show I watched this show back in 2011 and back then it was a different theme. This year it was focusing a lot on HIStory, I guess it's because of HIStory's 20th anniversary (:
My mother was sceptic about this, she thought she would get bored, but she really enjoyed the show, she even asked when they would be back in Denmark, haha xD

I had a better spot this time than last time and I thought it was really cool to see the actors' face expressions. It some really cool actors and the dancers are amazing. My mother really got the MJ spirit ;)

The costumes were gold and the dances and performances were inspired by the HIStory tour. When the MJ impersonator said his magic frase 'You know you want me', oh dear it was nostalgic :D
I can really recommend this show to MJ fans all over the world, it is a cool experience now that Michael is gone and can't entertain us anymore. It's just a shame that you are not allowed to film or take pictures in there, I took some picture before the show started though (:
I was about to propose to one of the actors, he could really sing! Oh Lord ^^

All I wanna say is, if you are a fan or you just want to watch a cool show, then you won't regret watching this. It is an awesome tribute to the King Of Pop.

Have fun and take care (:


fredag den 30. oktober 2015

'Child's play'

Haha, what kind of horror fan hasn't already watch this film? But anyways, it is a classic horror film and it has too be watched!

This criminal guy puts a spell on an innocent toy doll and comes back from the dead in him. Wow, cool! I guess this film was scary back in time, it has some cool effects for its age and the little boy is a good actor. So the question is now, do you want eternal life if you live on in a doll?

If I should make a perspective it would be to the modern version: 'Annabelle', where the medium said that dolls can be used by demons to enter the human world. In this film it seems to be kinda the same reason. 'Chucky' comes back as a doll and has to kill the little boy to get a human body.
If you haven't watched this film already, do it! it is just one of those films that went down in history because it's doggone cool.

And if you collect dolls remember they can be used by demons… I collect dolls O_O
but I'm still not scared and no 'Bone' episode has scared me either, okay it's not horror it's just cool, but anyways. Have a nice weekend with Chucky, he's your friend to the end and he doesn't need batteries ;)

Xoxo the horror girl.

mandag den 19. oktober 2015

'Beasts of no nation'

Speechless, that's simply what I am. This film blew me away and touched me so deep I'm lost for words. Agu is just a regular boy losing his family in a war, and then ends up as a child soldier, and what's a better way to kill a child's mentality than send him at war and teach him how to kill?
Maybe I just have a Scandinavian 'children have rights' mentality but I'm really shocked that this is still happening today (I knew that, I just try hard not think about it).
What touched me innerly was when he said that the taste of dead is sweet. That really proves how they killed his innocence. And how can you ever say a boy is dangerous because he got legs to run with, eyes to see with and fingers to pull a trigger with? It's unbelievable how they make him kill what seems to be an innocent man (You are not being told if he is really innocent) and how he tastes the blood when the poor man doesn't die from the first cut. Can you stand being a child soldier? If not, then your throat will be cut.. This is mind blowing and every single bone in my body chilled.
This movie is worth the 2 hours it lasts, it's real life horror because this could easily happen in real life, and child abuse wether it's physically or mentally is always horrifying.
Idris Elba is a fantastic actor he makes this film seem so real and it really puts you in the center of the action.
Take your time to watch this fantastic film and it is totally okay to shed a tear or two.


lørdag den 17. oktober 2015

'I, Frankenstein'

I don't know exactly why this film is on the horror list? I will more call it dark action or something, but that's non of my business!
Ok, back to the film. If you know the old ones from the 30's with Boris Karloff then this one will annoy you, but if you try to watch it with objective eyes, then it's actually a fantastic film! A fight between the humans and the non-humans. I guess it's a film you can watch more than once because there are so many stories at once and you will keep finding new elements to notice, details you didn't notice the first time!
There's a lot of action, science and other cool stuff to be entertained with. Worth to see if you need a film to watch with someone, but you need good time, cuz it's a long film and really need to concentrate. But as you have probably guessed, it's not the real Frankenstein story, so be objective or maybe you simply don't know the real story, then i'm not gonna spoil the mistakes.

Have a nice evening with popcorns!

'Scream' the serie

Do you remember the old films from the 90's? Seriously, I couldn't take them serious!! xD I really understand why 'Scary movie' was made ;)

But who is the second mask in this one? I really think Wes Craven nailed it this time, this serie based on the old films is super cool. You don't have to watch the films to see this, you can follow the story anyway. But I suggest you watch 'Hannibal' there are many references from it. There's also a bit from 'The walking dead' but you don't have to see it first (:
It's sure worth watching, some of the better modern horror I have seen lately. It's not really scary but exciting in a cool way.
If you don't know what to do the next couple of days, go watch it!
But I have to be honest and say that it's like watching 'Mean girls' with murder in it, so I guess most girls will find it cool, but it can also be watched by males, there's horror enough in it.
Scary? not really, but cool and giving adrenalin!

Have fun! :)


torsdag den 1. oktober 2015

'The crazies'

Do you trust the authorities? or the water that you drink...?

Okay, it's really disgusting to think about. Drinking dead human remains is vulgar and kinda cannibalism.
The world is always going down whenever some sort of decease turns out to be dangerous. And the authorities freaks out and barely knows how to handle it. Just look at the swine flue, I remember it clearly they made it sound like the world was going down. There were no apocalypse and it seems like there won't be any.
In this film you see a zombie-like infection which makes the sick ones wanting to kill.
How to survive this? You run away! haha.
So the problem here is population control, how are we gonna save the world? In this film we see the ethic problems in population control by infecting people to kill each other.

Good movie worth watching and I can only recommend it.

Have fun (:

mandag den 28. september 2015

'Days of the dead'

Hmm.. How to get started?
Bad effects and bad plot.
A zombie falling in love? Ok, that just made me think it was a horrible film. How can anyone ruin a zombie film just like that?
Besides for the love part, then I wonder how they made the zombies move? Did they just move the film quick forward? I'm confused!
This film kinda ruins the idea of zombies, they don't fall in love and they certainly don't skip eating people because they used to be vegetarians. Wth? It makes no sense.
Zombies lives on the reptile brain, which means they use their instincts. Love and vegetarianism is not an instinct.. and they remember who they used to be. That's not usual either.
If you are very fond if zombie films I can't recommend this one. It ruins the zombie stories we usually know and it is boring to be honest.
I understand why Robert Kirkman doesn't like the end of zombie movies. This wasn't an apocalypse, it is not an apocalypse when you have electricity and your only fight for survival lasts one night.
The end with the cliff hanger? no, it was just cliché. I bet 98% of all horror movies end that way.

Have a nice day! (:


fredag den 21. august 2015


I must say that this is the most scary film I have watched on Netflix so far. It's not like 'I can't sleep tonight' scary but it gives you chills and well, I never liked dolls.
The beginning is a bit boring but the more you watch, the more the film will catch you. This film is very occult with God vs. the Devil and his demons. I like the story behind how the doll was cursed and how it raised to become as evil as we know it today.
I have made my research on Annabelle and this film is fiction, it's a theory on how the doll was cursed. And the real doll is not that creepy. I had a lot of shocks during this movie and I can recommend this film to anyone who needs a good scare, remember I'm a master of horror so it takes one hell of a plot to make me wet my bed. But I believe this isn't a film for beginners, start with something less mind fucking. These demon films are always waking things in a human brain which you rather want to rest.
Demons are manipulators and that's what makes them dangerous.
The devil uses them to get human souls. BTW if you are an atheist I guess this film isn't a big deal. I'm not so to me this is not that unrealistic.

Well, read about the real story here and see pictures of her (:

Have a scary weekend!


onsdag den 19. august 2015


As it is my subject in English right now I guess it would be the right time to watch this film.
It wasn't really scary but disgusting in it's own way. How will you make a choice which you know will ruin your life?
You can choose between killing your mother or father but how do you put a value on a human life? Is a rich person worth more than a poor one? Only God can decide who to live and who to die but when there's a psychopath in your house pointing a gun to your head I guess God is not that much a help.
But what happens if you choose your father? Will he forgive you? and how will your future be?
But Nathan Jones was just a kid when he broke little Molly's neck, 'No child is left behind' was what President George Bush once said but I guess he didn't see this one coming. Children growing up without parents, love, protection and all the other things a kid needs, how will you tell him not to be a monster?
This world is already cruel and cold so growing up without happy times might ruin the heart.
All he wanted was to be loved, to be seen and to have a secure home with a warm bed.
But for Fiona it's not funny to remind of her mother.. In so many ways!

You will see. Or will you? The choice is yours ;)


søndag den 16. august 2015

Hannibal - the series

So it took me a little while to watch both seasons, I was traveling you know.
But I'm so impressed! Hugh Dancy is an awesome actor and he's doing so well here. I miss Anthony Hopkins though... Mads Mikkelsen is not that scary and he mumbles so much... I don't really mind his Danish accent since Hannibal is European but his mumbling is horrible.
And when will someone catch this guy!? It frustrates me in all the Hannibal films that he just walks free no matter what x_x
Catch him FBI!!
But well, he's a genius they are always hard to catch red handed.
I hope season 3 will be on Netflix soon, it seemed like that in Rolling Stone Magazine (:

But back to the series; It catches you, it has awesome cliff hangers, it makes you laugh, it makes you cry. It's an awesome love story too. Go watch it, it's amazing! (:

Have a nice day. XX

søndag den 2. august 2015


Oh Lord, I just think I fell in love with this wonderful country! Everything just seemed so calm and the people were nice and seemed happy :D
I crossed the arctic circle and I couldn't believe my eyes! There was a Santa village in the middle of July xD and they were playing christmas music everywhere. I bought so many souvenirs it's not to understand. If I had known this I had brought some euros with me, at least I had my card.
I visited a husky park and I saw so many reindeers, they are such beautiful animals <3
I thought about studying in Finland, the finnish language sounded very different from what I'm used to, but of course it can be taught (:

 I stayed in an 'Bed and breakfast' in Tornio. They were nice people and they told me about all the awesome places I should visit (:

This is from Rovaniemi that's the last visit before the arctic circle. 

 This was Santa Park, it was closed when I arrived but it seemed awesome (:

And this was the arctic circle! can you believe this in July? lol, I had a lot of fun and I could had spent a lot of money there :P 

 A little squirrel I met, I didn't mean to scare him, poor thing (:
From the husky park (: 

Reindeers I met on the road, they like to live dangerously ;) 
I hope you enjoyed it, I did! I had so much fun in this wonderful country (: 

see ya <3 

torsdag den 23. juli 2015

Falun cobber mine.

Today in my adventure seeking here in Sweden I visited the cobber mine in Falun.
The pressure from below the surface is giving me a headache for sure. The mine is 400 m. deep but we were not allowed to go further down than 70 m. and that was enough it was very claustrophobic. It was a bit creepy to know that the mine has collapsed a couple of times and the guide even showed us the most dangerous place in the mine. He told us stories about a man who drowned in the mine and was found many years after. He looked like he had just passed away! His body remained for 42 years before he actually began to rotten! It's a wonder what's going on down there. He told that Falun was very wealthy and a lot of strong men volunteered to work in the mine because they were paid good. The mine has been open for about a 1000 years and it closed down in 1992 it has no plans of reopening. I could see the shining gold in the walls, it was amazingly beautiful.
I can slightly recommend this for tourists who aren't afraid of heights. And I really mean that!

I hope you can see the pictures I know they are very dark (: 
I hope you can see what I mean about not being afraid of heights. and you also have to wear that orange helmet and cape and I will recommend waterproof shoes and they are allowed to be destroyed because the mud in the mines are very red and they dye your shoes. The last to pictures are from the museum. (: 

have fun, and see ya next time in another destination! <3