mandag den 29. juni 2015

'Desperation' and 'The regulators' - by Stephen King

It's hard to say which book to start with. I guess it's a good idea to start with 'Desperation'. I started with 'The regulators' and I found it a bit confusing, it made more sense when I read the other one.
This God figure Tak, is a very strong power which uses human beings to complete it's missions. Besides that it's also controlling the animals around the desert of Nevada. Can tah or what it calls them. Some of the characters are presented in both of the books, including miss skitzo hair.
I liked 'Desperation' more than the other one, but that's just my opinion. In both books this toy called Motor cops are a part of the story. I don't know if that really exist, at least not where I come from. It doesn't change the story in ' Desperation' but it sure is important in 'The regulators'. Little kid Seth is getting power from Tak. Poor little boy who doesn't know what he's actually doing.
Take your time to read these good books.

'Desperation' is also made to a film, I haven't watched it yet though. Have a nice day (:  

'Silk' (Gui si)

This film is another Asian horror. It's actually very good.
A mad scientist (we have heard of that before, right?) who's trying to find out how to become a ghost. He finds a ghost and stalks everything he does to figure out the secret of becoming a ghost. Are you afraid of dying? that might be because you don't know, what's on the other side. Can ghosts kill? Actually I watched one of these horror stories were mediums told that ghosts are more dangerous than what normal people think. Of course you have to believe in ghosts to believe this. But I like how this film actually makes ghosts a logical phenomena, how it's made by energy and it needs power to remain. I can slightly recommend this film if you like a good story from Taipei.
And what is a 'Menger sponge'? watch it and find out how this crazy thing works xD
And well, I tried to be cool, the first person you see is Canadian so I turned off the subtitles. I quickly put them on again! haha, I don't understand what they say xD

Well, hopefully I can watch some more horror or read some more books, I have been very sick in the past week, I don't understand what's wrong. I feel like puking when I'm exercising, I can hardly eat, I have a fever and my nose is running... It's Almost July and I have a cold! This weather is depressing and all I do is sleep.. And I lost a rabbit right before my last exam. This month hasn't quiet been my fave. I first thought I was just nervous and afterwards I was drunk, but now I see it is a virus. I hope I'm getting better before my trip to Sweden and hopefully before that too. I have to build new rabbit cages. Damn it!

Anyways, I might have found my future, I visited the marine and it was so cool! And well, I'm a Viking so why not? xD

It's Viking power! have a nice day (:

tirsdag den 16. juni 2015



This film got a very few stars on Netflix but I chose to give it a chance anyways though... Now I regret doing that. And hey, don't get married, nothing's good comes out of it.
This is the proof, you will just get a slimy wife.
That girl has a serious STD and she needs to go see a doctor.
But I kinda liked this film anyways, cuz it leaves something to the fantasy (I'm not talking about the sex scenes) I'm talking about the creatures with the weird flash lights in the woods, what are they, who are they and why are they interested in women and killing men?
Maybe they are feminazis!! x'D Okay, I have a bad sense of humor, don't mind me.

I will take it serious from now on when writes about Canada and reasons to hate this country x) (That blog is awesome btw)

Scary, no, shock scenes... hmmmm.. not really, worth watching, maybe?
I was curious because they said it was very bad, so I gave it a chance.. and watch for yourself, if yoy think slimy frog ladies are sexy, go watch it, if not... Well, don't. there are more bad than good things about this film.

My head is aching worse now... I will go for a run and then chill with Michael Jackson when I get home. They are showing 'This is it' on DR3 tonight, so why not?

Have fun, take care and be scared ;)

Xoxo, Momsen Doll.

'Dawn of the dead'

I was in the mood for zombies this morning and it has been a while since I watched this film for the first time.

Classic zombie film, if you get bitten you get infected and you turn. And sorry to all 'The walking dead' fans out there but "Sorry brother" is not a Daryl Dixon catch phrase..
It reminds a lot of 'The walking dead' many ways though; trapped in a mall and we always follow the survivors. But I see Robert Kirkman's point when he says that he hates the end of zombie films, so do I. Because what happens? Can you become a normal human being after experiencing dead people, who doesn't understand they are dead!?
This film is good and worth watching, scary... No, but it gives you bad nerves! Actually most horror films do, because you just know, you'd survived if you had been in it because you aren't damn stupid. "Oh, that door is slamming and there's no one in here, let me check what that can be!" No courage, run, RUUUN! You see, I would survive, lol.. because I'm a coward xD
Part time coward. I don't know how I'd be in the situation ;)

But if you love zombies, watch this one, it's good (:

have fun, that's what life is about ;) <3


Not a horror but it should be! this is real life horror sh!t.
Not the best documentary I have watch but it is very good and very touching.
Seriously putting your tap on flames is insane and it should be impossible.
I believe in nature, I believe in green energy and I would love to get rid of all kind of CO2 spreading energy sources, but sometimes mother nature creates stuff underground which should stay underground! And here I talk about shale gas too. They are drilling 20 km away from where I live! I don't want to be able to put my tab on fire or be a witness of earth quakes! I live in a country with no f**king earth quakes! And it didn't only happen in the US, it happened in Holland too.
No, close it down, forbid it! ruin it! bomb it!! Do something! Yeah, this is why I'm a member of Greenpeace...

Sorry it turned out to be so political but it really frustrates me. This is just as stupid as nuclear power.. And guess what, the Danish Government actually forbid that, but they can't forbid something that will be truly damaging for our water resources! We have one of the largest water resources in the world and now we wanna ruin it so a French company can earn money? Oh dear... I don't believe in capitalism, I have to say that -.-
I don't wanna live in a gas land.. I want to live in a peaceful place with clean water, everybody needs water! And water that you can't put on fire is clean water!

Thanks to Josh Fox for making this film, it's important. I wish it was taken a little more serious though.. I mean it's from 2010 and they are still drilling -.-

Now my political side woke up and I have to vote in 2 days... Who to vote at though?
I can't even vote for my favorite politician Dan Jørgensen because I have to live in Copenhagen to vote for him. But he follows me on Instagram!! *Fangirls.

Ok, sorry for this big novel, but watch this film (be critical though, always do!) and take it serious, we have to stop this before it's too late!

Save the world and have fun doing it! <3

'Riding the bullet'

And this is why weed is still illegal, lol.

This is exactly the era I wish I was born in, the time when 'The Beatles' rocked and there were something to actually fight for.
Look at today's billboard chart... Oh Lord, I'm ashamed! What happened to good old rock and roll?
Anyways, I like this film very well, I haven't read the book yet so I don't know how close it is to the story, but a nice yet confusing storyline. There's a lot of flash backs, Deja vu's and things, that aren't real.
Btw, I love big wild crazy roller coasters! But if I had a vision of the reaper pulling me out of one and throw me over the railing I'm sure I'd turned around too just like Alan did.
I love how Alan throws away his chance to see John Lennon live to be with his mother when she's about to die.
George Staub says something interesting that truly caught my attention he said 'The walking dead'. LOL xD
And that's where I puked, not because it was disgusting but because I was sick.. Sorry but I just have to say I didn't see what happened afterwards. I paused the film and went out to brush my teeth.
I came back to watch the end, it was very touching and I love how The Prince Of Darkness grows old.
And remember if George Staub asks if you want a ride, say no! always, don't trust that MF!

Scary, no, but worth watching and very Stephen King like. And keep your eyes on the screen because it's very confusing in the beginning! have fun! <3

lørdag den 13. juni 2015

'Shutter' - Asian version

I watched this film yesterday with a friend of mine, she told me it was disgusting.. She said so too about 'Gothica'. Anyways, I found this film a bit confusing, the end is very good though! It's really not like you except. Once again this film was a little destroyed by subtitles, I just don't get anything out of reading subtitles.. But I don't understand Thai.
 My friend said there's an American version and that was a little more disgusting. Well maybe, I don't know since I haven't watched it.
It's a little boring in the beginning, but give it a chance, it's really good.
And it makes sense in the end (:

I can recommend this very much! So go watch it and have fun with it! <3

XOXO - the Momsen Doll!

'The dark'

So this film is based on the book 'Sheep'. Since I haven't read it, I can't tell how close the film is to the real story, but I really hope the book is better... Seriously, sheep committing suicide? It must be a joke!
The story and the history lesson are the coolest about this (if it's true though).

The mother in the film is so false! Oh Lord! She doesn't understand what the dead girl says because she's from Wales, is she serious? I'm Danish and I understood her perfectly. Just cut it out -.-

Well, the film is ok, I thought about reading the book. I think this film is work watching. Scary, no.. not at all but good. I got a shock a couple of times which makes this a little better, than the films I watched were I almost fell asleep. So I can recommend this one. have fun (:

'Case 39'

Never trust children... Lol, this film is about the daughter of the devil. burn her in an oven and she's gone.
Or burn her in your house... Okay, this film is kinda boring. You just wait for something for happen and it feels like nothing happens.
When someone dies it doesn't even shock you. The most disgusting thing is the insects in the ear, do I have to say more?
This film isn't even good. I mean it when I say it was a waste of time.

Seriously, when I find a scary film, I mean it when I say DO NOT WATCH IT!
But yet no horror film has scared me, so watch them all.


mandag den 8. juni 2015

'The haunting of Molly Hartly'

Ok, now I can ask myself once again.. Why!!? I was about to fall asleep as I watched this film 💀 it sucked! Well, Nate from 'Gossip Girl' was in it, that was a surprise. Well, I don't know what to say about this crap movie.. It sucked more than words can explain. Her mother tries to kill her because she knows something horrible will happen when her daughter turns 18. She can have a lot of power but she doesn't want them but suddenly she avoids her father and loves her power. Dafuq right? This film was a waist of time I have to say that.. I thought it would be a little more mindfucking but it really wasn't. What was suppose to be scary? The birds in the beginning or the woman in the mirror? I have no idea, I did not find the 'horror' in it. Satanism vs Christianity was all this film is about. Not choosing other people's destiny could be another one, you decide.  Watch it if you like, but I'm not gonna watch this one again.. Ever. Take care! And remember to think about the environment ;)

See ya ❤️

tirsdag den 2. juni 2015


Don't f**k with Ben London, I mean it.

Don't forget that ghosts can't do damage except for scaring you. Poltergeists and demons are the once doing damage so don't trust an axe murderer who blames the ghosts.

This film isn't scary, the only thing that annoys you is this mental institution, they treat their patients like crap. Very cliché if you watch a film like 'Gothica'.
Or just the second season of 'American horror story'. It's this classic place that drives them insane if they were sane before.

Is it a good film?
Hmm.. It's not one I will put on the entertaining list or wanna watch again. Watch it if you are curious to know who Ben London is and why I don't think you should f**k with him. And I mean it! The nurse sure regret it.

Well, I gotta go back to my studies. My first math exam is over and now I'm heading for chemistry... I'm gonna die!

Watch out for the next horror film I'm gonna watch ;)

Bye :*